SeatGeek Website Redesign
For a project class in Human Computer Interaction, I worked with a team to redesign a website. My team chose SeatGeek, a ticket marketplace website where users can buy, sell, and discover tickets. We focused on redesigning the desktop application, and particularly on the filter system currently in place.
We identified our focus of redesign by running usability tests and cognitive walkthroughs.
Each of these usability tests focused on finding the cheapest floor tickets to a Beyoncé concert. Through these tests we found:
It took a large amount of time for users to filter tickets
Average time ~180 seconds
It required a large amount of total clicks for all participants
Most had a hard time trying to filter available tickets by seat type since they had to discover that there was no option to do so
Overall this task required a large amount of user effort
Redesign Goals/ Rationale
Reduce the amount of clicks
Ease seat-type filtering process
Provide a wide range of filtering options
Filtering ticket types should be an option since tickets are the main reason people visit SeatGeek